Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017)

Map Overview

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NamePhytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017)
SpeciesGossypium hirsutum
Analysis method3824 bin markers out of the 7244 markers mapped on a consensus map, the consensus map was JoinMap derived from 3 populations: a) Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474 F2, b) Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474 RIL, and c) Stoneville 474 x Phytogen 72 RIL
SoftwareJoinMap 4.1
Map typegenetic
Population typeRIL
Genome groupAD
Map unitcM
Number of loci3824
Number of linkage groups26
Publication[view all]
ContactUlloa, Mauricio
Ulloa, Mauricio
Description:Breeding, genetics, and Genomics
First name:Mauricio
Last name:Ulloa
Title:Research Geneticist
Institution:USDA-ARS, W.I.C.S., Res. Unit
Address:17053 N. Shafter Ave., Shafter, California 93263
Country:United States
Keywords:Breeding and Genomics
Last update:27-Apr-2010
Map Loci
This map contains 3,824 marker loci:
Download Table
Linkage GroupMarker NameLocus NameTypePosition
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05TAMU_GH_TBh095F17f169SNPi44752Ghmarker_locus1.15 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05TAMU_GH_TBh028L05r327SNPi37866Ghmarker_locus1.61 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_1402044SNPi12401Ghmarker_locus1.7 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_2713675SNPi12470Ghmarker_locus2.11 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_1522518SNPi12408Ghmarker_locus2.38 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05UCD_Gh_M_003846SNPi00408Ghmarker_locus2.51 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05TAMU_GH_TBh038I08f332SNPi39043Ghmarker_locus2.69 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_1999241SNPi12438Ghmarker_locus2.7 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05TAMU_GH_TBr163K16r594SNPi47720Ghmarker_locus2.72 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_1673947SNPi17702Ghmarker_locus2.75 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_2626458SNPi12464Ghmarker_locus2.75 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_1589899SNPi12413Ghmarker_locus3.01 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_1528849SNPi12409Ghmarker_locus3.23 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_1296284SNPi12395Ghmarker_locus3.39 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05TAMU_GH_TBh054F08f574SNPi40717Ghmarker_locus4.38 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05TAMU_GH_TBb066D24r373SNPi29617Ghmarker_locus27.13 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05UCD_Gh_M_000997SNPi00231Ghmarker_locus31.32 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_5010095SNPi17756Ghmarker_locus32.72 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_4944213SNPi12534Ghmarker_locus32.93 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05TAMU_GH_TBb016B04f127SNPi24556Ghmarker_locus32.95 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05UCD_Gh_M_008731SNPi00669Ghmarker_locus33.03 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_4989776SNPi12536Ghmarker_locus33.12 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_5106394SNPi12538Ghmarker_locus33.51 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05USDA_CFB1922SNPi22338Ghmarker_locus33.81 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch05CSIRO_D5chr12_5086162SNPi12537Ghmarker_locus33.9 cM
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