Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017)

Map Overview

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NamePhytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017)
SpeciesGossypium hirsutum
Analysis method3824 bin markers out of the 7244 markers mapped on a consensus map, the consensus map was JoinMap derived from 3 populations: a) Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474 F2, b) Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474 RIL, and c) Stoneville 474 x Phytogen 72 RIL
SoftwareJoinMap 4.1
Map typegenetic
Population typeRIL
Genome groupAD
Map unitcM
Number of loci3824
Number of linkage groups26
Publication[view all]
ContactUlloa, Mauricio
Ulloa, Mauricio
Description:Breeding, genetics, and Genomics
First name:Mauricio
Last name:Ulloa
Title:Research Geneticist
Institution:USDA-ARS, W.I.C.S., Res. Unit
Address:17053 N. Shafter Ave., Shafter, California 93263
Country:United States
Keywords:Breeding and Genomics
Last update:27-Apr-2010
Map Loci
This map contains 3,824 marker loci:
Download Table
Linkage GroupMarker NameLocus NameTypePosition
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBb064I08r461i29416Ghmarker_locus82 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26CSIRO_D5chr08_45393336i08232Ghmarker_locus82.9 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26CSIRO_D5chr08_45395991i08233Ghmarker_locus83.19 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26CSIRO_D5chr08_45498913i08235Ghmarker_locus83.99 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBh071L02r214i42233Ghmarker_locus84.39 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBb002L15f676i23175Ghmarker_locus84.49 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBb023L17f405i25319Ghmarker_locus84.84 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26CSIRO_D5chr08_45579587i08242Ghmarker_locus84.93 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26CSIRO_D5chr08_45786671i08245Ghmarker_locus85.06 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26CSIRO_D5chr08_45753133i16366Ghmarker_locus85.43 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26CSIRO_D5chr08_46061657i16368Ghmarker_locus85.96 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBh101I21f568i45409Ghmarker_locus87.87 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBh048L10r416i40167Ghmarker_locus89.16 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBh033N13r355i38473Ghmarker_locus89.34 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26USDA_CFB4348i21790Ghmarker_locus89.44 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26USDA_CFB1738i22290Ghmarker_locus89.5 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBh064C11r197i41600Ghmarker_locus89.58 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBh115I01r276i46911Ghmarker_locus93.17 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBh067H13f348i41862Ghmarker_locus101.28 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBh040K20r119i39278Ghmarker_locus101.4 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26CSIRO_D5chr08_50652442i08400Ghmarker_locus101.44 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBb042J14r470i27227Ghmarker_locus102.33 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26TAMU_GH_TBh042L01f360i39488Ghmarker_locus102.7 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26CSIRO_D5chr08_50820166i08418Ghmarker_locus103.13 cM
Phytogen 72 x Stoneville 474, consbin (2017).ch26UCD_Gh_M_002205i00324Ghmarker_locus103.53 cM
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