Descriptor Overview
Trait Descriptorleaf nectaries
Of Traitleaf nectaries
Definitionleaf nectaries descriptor code definitions from two datasets: a) NCGC: 0=absent, 1=one nectar gland on main vein, 2=two nectar glands, one on main vein and on the other vein; 3=three nectar glands, on main vein and two other veins, 4=four nectar glands found on the leaf underside, 5=five nectar glands found on the leaf underside, 6=reduced nectar gland on the main vein, 9=seg/off type; b) CN_COT: Leaf nectar. Code definition: 0=absent, 1=present.
Alias[view all 1]
Trait Categorymorphological trait
Datasets[view all 17]
Germplasm[view all 10213]
File NameLegend
ncgc_desc_Leaf_Nectaries.jpgNCGC standardized descriptor panel image: leaf nectaries