QTL detection and confirmation in a M6 mutant segregating population

Working group session: 
Functional Genomics
Presentation type: 
Bojinov, Bojin
Bojinov, Bojin
Bojinov, Bojin
A segregating mutant population has been developed from the standard Bulgarian variety “Chirpan 603” by applying seed gamma irradiation. M4 and M5 generations were used for identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to fiber quality characteristics. SSR markers developed in interspecific crosses and further confirmed in intraspecific crosses, together with in-house developed ISSR markers were used for association mapping of QTLs for fiber strength, length, uniformity, micronaire and elongation. QTLs with major effects on studied traits were confirmed in M6 generation. Further ones were identified and used for map saturation and linkage group confirmation.