The spermoderm change in process of development at some representatives of cotton

Working group session: 
Germplasm and Genetic Stocks
Presentation type: 
Грабовец, Нина
The anatomical structure of integuments of seed of wild and cultivated representatives of cotton species G.herbaceum L., G.arboreum L., G.hirsutum L. and G.barbadense L. it has been studied. This is study have purpose determine a traits hardness for spermoderm, which depend on early. The hardness for spermoderm depends on common thickness of spermoderm and cause of dimensions cell external epidermis and height cell palisade. Also the hardness depends on correlation between mechanical layer and parenchyma layer, degree pigmentation of integuments and hardness of cell wall. The thickness of spermoderm in mature age it is not always index of earliness, but more depend on ripe and duration increase cells of integuments.