BLASTP of HAU v1.0 Gossypium hirsutum proteins vs NCBI nr

Analysis NameBLASTP of HAU v1.0 Gossypium hirsutum proteins vs NCBI nr
Methodblastp (2.7.1+)
SourceHAU v1.0 Gossypium hirsutum proteins vs NCBI nr
Date performed2018-11-20
Additional information about this analysis:
Property NameValue
Analysis Typeblast_analysis
Analysis blast blastdb253
Analysis blast blastfile/mainlab/research/cottongen/data/genomes/AD1_HAU_v1.0/homology/nrRerunfasta62/nr
Analysis blast blastparameters-evalue 0.000000001
Analysis blast no parsed10
Analysis blast query re
Analysis blast query type
Analysis blast query uniquename1
Analysis blast blastfile extout
Analysis blast is concat0
Analysis blast search keywords0