PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005)

Map Overview

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NamePD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005)
SpeciesGossypium hirsutum
Analysis methodComposite interval mapping
SoftwareMapMaker v3.0b
Map typegenetic
Population typeF2:3
Genome groupAD
Map unitcM
Maternal parentPD 6992
Paternal parentSimian-3
Number of loci71
Number of QTL11
Number of linkage groups21
Publication[view all]
ContactZhang, Tian-Zhen
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3population
Secondary id:cdbpop_000115
Pedigree:PD 6992 / Simian-3
Zhang, Tian-Zhen
First name:Tian-Zhen
Last name:Zhang
Institution:Zhejiang University
Address:College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou , 310058 , Zhejiang , China
Phone:+86 571 88982971
Fax:+86 571 88982971
Keywords:cotton genetics and genomics, and breeding
Last update:18-Mar-2022
Map Loci
This map contains 71 marker loci:
Download Table
Linkage GroupMarker NameLocus NameTypePosition
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr18BNL3280BNL3280marker_locus18.6 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-1NAU0833NAU833marker_locus0 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-1NAU0828NAU828marker_locus0.7 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-1NAU1269NAU1269marker_locus0.8 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-1NAU1255NAU1225marker_locus0.8 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-1NAU1225NAU1225marker_locus0.8 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-1NAU1230NAU1230marker_locus0.8 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-1NAU1187NAU1187marker_locus0.9 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-1NAU1221NAU1221marker_locus0.9 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-1NAU0797NAU797marker_locus4.9 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-2JESPR0236JESPR236amarker_locus0 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr19/LGD08-2JESPR0236JESPR236bmarker_locus1.1 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr23NAU0418NAU418marker_locus0 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr23NAU1047NAU1047marker_locus13.1 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr23JESPR0208JESPR208marker_locus20.5 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr23BNL1414BNL1414marker_locus24.2 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr23BNL1317BNL1317marker_locus40.9 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr25BNL0827BNL827marker_locus0 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr25NAU1241NAU1241marker_locus9.7 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr26BNL3994BNL3994marker_locus0 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr26JESPR0234JESPR234marker_locus13 cM
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr26nau0736NAU736marker_locus57.3 cM
This map contains 11 QTL:
Download Table
Linkage GroupNameTypeStartStopPeak
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr07-1qFEL.PDSM-F2:3_ch07-1.jp02QTL41.1 cM66.5 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr08/LGA02qFEL.PDSM-F2:3_ch08.jp02QTL0 cM12.7 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr08/LGA02qFEL.PDSM-F2:3_ch08.jp03QTL12.7 cM13.1 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr07-1qFL.PDSM-F2:3_ch07-1.jp02QTL75.7 cM86.4 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr16qFL.PDSM-F2:3_ch16.jp02QTL0 cM42.3 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr18qFL.PDSM-F2:3_ch18.jp03QTL3.9 cM17 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr08/LGA02qFS.PDSM-F2:3_ch08.jp03QTL0 cM12.7 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr11/LGA03-1qFS.PDSM-F2:3_ch11-1.jp02QTL0 cM3.4 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr16qFS.PDSM-F2:3_ch16.jp02QTL0 cM42.3 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr11/LGA03-1qMIC.PDSM-F2:3_ch11-1.jp02QTL0 cM3.4 cM-
PD6992 x SM3, F2:3 (2005).chr14qMIC.PDSM-F2:3_ch14.jp02QTL0 cM32.9 cM-
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